Trainer :
Darran Cassar
Racing will select a top trainer on the circuits listed who
will take proper care of the horse(s) we select when the time
is fit to purchase
Stables at
Winners In NJ
The 35-year-old Sydney native has been training in
the United States since 1992. He trains at North Hanover
in New Jersey and lives in Trenton (NJ).
He?s renowned for racing ?Down Under? horses and
pacer Mr Hasani N is no exception. He is one of five in
his 12-strong stable owned by Joe Muscara, a prominent
Philadelphia owner and loyal supporter of harness racing
in New Zealand and Australia.
In fact eight of the Cassar team are originally from
?Down Under
Statistic Page To Follow |
1 shares are invested at $___ each to
purchase a $20-25K yearling at the 2011 sale The method
of ownership is MF ( Monthly fees with participation in 100% of
net purses/Initial investment should cover the purchase price
and care till at least August 2012 scheduled qualifying
or 1st race ).
Funds collected are the basis for our purchase and
up keep till qualifying or racing of the horse which ever
comes first. No one person can hold more than 30% interest in
any horse listed in the D2D stable. Up and including 30%
ownership is accepted
2013 OSS Grass Roots
$90,000 divided per divisions 2103 OSS Grass Roots Final
$50,000 2013OSS Gold Elims $210,000 split per
division 2013 OSS Gold Mid Season Final $150,000 2013
OSS Gold Super Final
Trainer :